English Literature – Quiz 1 Related Post English Intermediate Level – Quiz 1 English B.A Level – Quiz 1 English Literature – Quiz 10 English Literature – Quiz 9 English Literature – Quiz 8 1. Derrida propose deconstruction: As a mode of literary criticism To teach at universities and colleges To make literary analysis available to all walks of people As a way of reading all types of texts 2. Dialogic Criticism is modeled on the critical procedures of a critic known as: Derrida Mikhail Bakhtain J. H. Miller Althussar 3. Diaspora in postcolonial studies means To disperse Displacement of people by choice or by force Thickly populated area slavery 4. Dr. Johnsons first English Dictionary was published in 1755 1750 1760 1765 5. Drawing Room play: Belongs to Victorian time period Has the characters paint and decorate the stage in front of the audience Was introduced in America because people had stopped entertaining guests in their drawing rooms. Began in India 6. Edward Said, a renowned critic, was born in: Jerusalem America Spain India 7. Elizabethan drama flourished during which movement Reformation Puritan Renaissance Age of Reason 8. Emily Bronte wrote just one novel in her life, which is named Wuthering Heights Shadows of the Crescent moon Jane Eyre Mill on the Floss 9. Epigram in prose is: Coined by Sir Epigram Bell A telegram representation in prose What rhythm is in poetry Used for statements those are terse, pointed and witty. 10. Epyllion is a literary term which means: Long Poem Romantic Poem Little Poem Epic Poem 11. Ernest Hemingway belonged to ______________ literary movement. Romantic Augustan Post modern Modern 12. Essays of Ellia is a collection of essays composed by Henry Fielding W.H Auden Charles Lamb J.M Coetzee 13. Famous novelist and short story writer Ernest Hemingway liked: Golf Bull Ice-Hockey Cricket 14. Francis Bacon was born in: 1580 1561 1640 1430 15. Geoffrey Chaucer was born in _______________ and died in 1400. 1310 1330 1320 1340 16. George Orwells Animal Farm is a Re- writing A comedy A tragedy A Political allegory 17. George Peele began his career as ________________: Poet Novelist Prose writer Dramatist 18. George Peele, Thomas Nash, Robert Greene, Thomas Kyd and Christopher Marlowe were________ of their time University Wits Novelists Lyricist Critics 19. Hamlets beloveds name is Ophelia Cordelia Portia Julite 20. He spoke of times past and future, and dreamt of things to be.The above line is an example of: Catastrophe Anastrophe Illeism Peroration Loading … Question 1 of 20