Wild Life (Wild Life Conservation) – Quiz 1

1. Pakistan forest resources consists of among others one of the oldest and second largest _______________ forests in the world.


2. Pakistans forests occupy about ______ percent of the land area.


3. Pakistans protected areas cover ______________ of the total area of country and special measures have been taken to conserve the biodiversity there.


4. Perhaps the most vexing ethical questions in conservation concern conflicts between the ______________ and ______________ of peoples and non?human organisms.


5. Scientists generally define the five components of earths climate system to include all of the following EXCEPT


6. Sea level rise as a result of expanding warm seawater and melting glaciers will cause disappearance of _____________ habitats for birds and sea turtle nesting sites.


7. Some regions of the Earth are far more affected by habitat destruction than others. Among the most imperiled are the socalled biodiversity hotspots which one of the following is NOT an example.


8. Species show differential vulnerability to fragmentation. Frequently species with more specialized ecological requirements are those ___________ from communities in fragments.


9. The _____________ century saw the passage of the first pieces of wildlife conservation legislation and the establishment of the first nature conservation societies.


10. The ______________ is found on mountain ranges where trees can no longer grow (termed timberline).


11. The ________________ cycle is one that most immediately affects our lives.


12. The ________________ cycle refers to the flow of elements through the Earths reservoirs the term underlines the cyclical nature of the flow in a closed system.


13. The ________________ is fundamental in the interactions between the different reservoirs of the earths surface.


14. The ability of organisms to determine the environment they experience has been termed as


15. The assumption that the presence or abundance of a species reflects the quality of a given location as habitat is not always __________.


16. The complete analysis of genetic codes of key species (including humans) is called


17. The disparate and often conflicting global mandates for protected areas pose the greatest _______________ for the design and implementation of effective conservation strategies.


18. The hypotheticodeductive method is the most widely accepted version of the scientific method. It can be stated in five steps covering all of the following EXCEPT.


19. The policy related to the conservation of wildlife in Pakistan gained momentum during the _______ at national and international levels.


20. The quantity and quality of available resources within a habitat are dynamic and change with many factors including which one of the following.


Question 1 of 20

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