English Literature – Quiz 8 Related Post English Intermediate Level – Quiz 1 English B.A Level – Quiz 1 English Literature – Quiz 10 English Literature – Quiz 9 English Literature – Quiz 7 1. Philip Sydneys love sonnets Astrophel and Stella were published in 1591 1561 1519 1600 2. Picaresque Novels were predominantly written during: Modern Age Victorian Age Romantic Age Augustan Age 3. Post colonial studies focus largely on the misrepresentation of: The socio cultural scenario of Russia The capitalist problems in America Third World countries Communism in Africa 4. Postcolonial literature: is a combination of prose and poetry is more about multi plot narrative rejects the master-narrative of the western imperialism is written in non English Linguistics 5. Postmodern is sometimes used interchangeably with: Post Chaucerean Post Classical Post Structural Post Victorian 6. Poststructuralism has its foundations on: Barthes Death of the Author Saussars A Case in General Linguistics Aristotles Poetics Structure, Science and Play in the Discourse of Human Sciences 7. Raymond Williams, an illustrious critic, was a ______________. American Scottish Welsh Irish 8. Recently, Hanif Kureishi, a famous writer was included in the top 50 British writers since 1945 by: New York Times Dawn The Statesman The Times 9. Riders to the Sea is a famous play by G.B Shaw Sean OCasey John Millington Synge Katherine Mansfield 10. Robert Frost won which of the following awards for his poetry Nobel prize Pulitzer Prize Man Booker prize American Award 11. Romeo and Juliet is based on the story written by an Italian Author, whose name is Virgil Bandello Boccaccio Homer 12. Rudyard Kipling, short story writer, was born in: Bombay London Paris Berlin 13. Samuel Becketts famous play Waiting for Godot is an example of Morality Play Theater of Absurd Miracle play Victorian play 14. Samuel Johnsons biography was written by: Thomas Bowdler William Hazlitt Thomas Carlyle James Boswell 15. Satyr Plays used to be an acute form of: Comedy Tragicomedy Tragedy Allegory 16. School of Abuse was written by: Philip Sidney Stephen gossoon Thomas lodge Raymond Williams 17. Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice and Emma have which of the following thing in common: They begin with the same sentence. Their author is the same. They were written in the same year. All three of them failed in the literary circles. 18. Shakespeare is to indebted one of the following playwrights for his character Shylock in The Merchant of Venice George Peele Thomas Kyd Thomas Nash Christopher Marlowe 19. Shakespearean tragedy was written by: Philip Sidney T. S Eliot A.C. Bradley Wilson Knight 20. Simulacra and Simulation is a work of criticism by Michael Foucault Jean Baudrillard Fredric Jameson Aristotle Loading … Question 1 of 20