English Linguistic – Quiz 3 Related Post English Intermediate Level – Quiz 1 English B.A Level – Quiz 1 English Literature – Quiz 10 English Literature – Quiz 9 English Literature – Quiz 8 1. Most of the Chinese traditions depict, Defence against the threats to the solidarity of the country Religious beliefs Belief in good and bad luck Fear of natural desasters 2. Newspaper is better than T.V News in one way that is: It does not provide stress It is entertaining It is a convenient option Reading is easy compared to listening and watching 3. Now a days, the alarming growth of population is the problem of ______ Developed nations No nations Developing nations All nations 4. People are of the view that this year City _______________ the Cup. are going to win are winning win will win 5. Prefix and suffix are type of _______________. words free morphemes bound morphemes inflections 6. Prophet (PBUH) taught people to be Just by Delivering lectures on the topic of Justice Himself becoming a perfect example of Justice Talking about the reward of being Just Telling them the punishment for not being Just 7. Reading literature _________ is nothing but mere reading is reading the story of life has entertainment is pleasure 8. She can try asking Maria for help but it _______________ her any good. won’t do is not doing won’t be doing is not do 9. The aspect of life of a country that causes almost all sorts of problems is: Deaths Low literacy Restricted resources Alarming growth of population 10. The difference between phonetics and phonology is that former is ________ and latter is ____________. Concrete, abstract Abstract, concrete Concerned about sound, about phonemes Scientific study , non- scientific study 11. The emergence of non-traditional careers is due to The innovative turn of life Money making attitude Lack of engineering and medical universities Parents dislike for new fields 12. The emergency door was concealed __________ a red curtain. by from with in 13. The famous exhibition hall was thronged _______________ people. by with of from 14. The first prerequisite of providing first aid is: Having medicine Plasters Basic knowledge Cotton 15. The lesson of the Poem Peace is that ___________ hardships are part and parcel of success wind is harsh always never lose hope nature is cruel 16. The lesson we learn from Great expectations is: What you earn through your own efforts is real and long lasting Easy come easy go You can depend on someone Kindness never pays off 17. The main objective of First aid is: Helping others Life saving Treating the injured Spreading the use of medicine 18. The minimal unit of analysis in morphology is _______________. allophone phoneme allomorph morpheme 19. The minimal unit of analysis in Phonetics is _______________. allophone phoneme allomorph word 20. The most important thing while choosing a career is knowing _______ which profession is profitable what your parents want what you want to be what is the demand of the world Loading … Question 1 of 20