Wild Life (Wild Life Biology) – Quiz 1

1. Changes in ______________ affect the flowering and survival of aquatic plant species as well as the abundance of wildlife species in affected areas.


2. Comparative physiology research on both the diversity and universality of adaptation is often motivated by the _______________ principle formulated by German physiologist Hans Kreb in 1975.


3. Density dependence is most commonly tested by examining the relationship between the ____________________ and ________________ either observationally or experimentally.


4. Density dependent factors are usually


5. Deserts are among the harshest habitats on Earth. Which of the following animals do NOT have a habitat in a desert?


6. Determining the effects of climate change on communities and ecosystems is difficult because the effects are likely to be highly variable and this may be especially true for what kind of ecosystems?


7. Eighty million tons of nitrogen every year are fixed artificially by industry to be used as fertilizer the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers can lead to all of the following EXCEPT


8. Evolution builds on the past and therefore is often constrained by it and selection often involves ___________ and compromises.


9. External and internal factors continuously threaten to disrupt homeostasis. When this occurs appropriate _________________________ are initiated to restore these conditions


10. Feathers and fur provide ____________ by trapping a layer of air between the skin and the external environment a loss of which could lead to hypothermia.


11. For many animals acclimatization involves switching to a state of dormancy such as ________________ by a small mammal in which body temperature falls dramatically.


12. Fragmented habitats are those that


13. Global __________________ cycles consist of the transport and transformation of substances in the environment through life air sea land and ice.


14. Globally which one of the following is NOT one of the biggest causes of habitat destruction?


15. Globally which one of the following is the biggest cause of habitat destruction?


16. Habitat loss in which of the following habitat type has historically been low?


17. Habituation is the simplest and perhaps most common type of behavior in many different animals. Which of the following is the BEST definition of habituation?


18. Higher water and air temperatures are lethal to temperature-sensitive species. Which one of the following is an example of such specie?


19. How is the concept of carrying capacity used in Conservation management?


20. Humans and wildlife often converge on and compete for the same habitat because both require similar environmental conditions for:


Question 1 of 20

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