LAW / LLB (Civil Law) – Quiz 3 Related Post LAW / LLB (Civil Law) – Quiz 2 LAW / LLB (Civil Law) – Quiz 1 1. Under CPC, a notice must contain: Cause of action Name of plaintiff Relief claimed All of the above 2. Under CPC, an application for amendment of pleadings is filed under: Order 6 Rule 5 Order 38 Rule 5 Order 6 Rule 17 Order 21 Rule 1 3. Under CPC, an inquest report must contain? The name of accused The apparent cause of death The details of weapons The details of incident 4. Under CPC, if a person does not commit an offence, he helps or aids another person, he is guilty of: Abetment Conspiracy Incitement Advice 5. Under CPC, no suit for recovery of possession may be instituted under Section 6 of the Specific Relief Act? Against Government Against a Public Company Against a Private Company Against a Non profit organization 6. Under CPC, what is the limitation period for a revision application? 30 days 60 days 70 days 90 days 7. Under CPC, what limitations/bars are created upon the Jurisdiction of Civil Courts? Special bars Absolute bars Conditional bars All of the above 8. Under the Contract Limitation if a promise to subscribe for charity. The promise is a: Void agreement Valid contract Valid agreement Void contract 9. Under the Contract Limitation specific performance may be ordered by the Court when: Damages are not an adequate remedy Damages are an adequate remedy The contract is voidable The contract is uncertain 10. Under the Contract Limitation when the promisee refuses to accept performance from the promisor who offers to perform, it is: Frustration of contract Vicarious performance Tender Attempted performance 11. Under the Contract Limitation where consent is caused by fraud or misrepresentation, the contract is: Unenforceable Void Voidable at the option of the aggrieved party Not affected in any manner 12. What is the limitation period to file an application for the installment order of money decree? 3 months 1 year 6 months 30 days 13. Where the defendant is minor, the court, on being satisfied by the fact of his minority, shall appoint a proper person to be: Next friend of minor Guardian for minor Guardian Ad-litem None of the above 14. Which of the following terms is defined as a security for repayment of a loan? Lease Mortgage Pledge Guarantee 15. Which one of the following is NOT an essential element of a sale under CPC? Parties Subject matter Payment of price in cash Transfer or conveyance 16. Which Section of The Contract Act 1872 deal with Contract caused by mistake of one party as to matter of fact? 12 22 14 11 17. Which Section of the Contract Act, 1872 deal with Agreements by way of wager void? 12 13 30 14 18. Which Section of the Limitation Act, 1908 deal with acquisition of right to easements? 26 28 29 27 19. Which section of the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 deals with Temporary vacancy of office of District Judge? 21 22 23 24 20. Who will pay the expenses of calling the witnesses? By the court By the government By the parties interested By the plaintiff Loading … Question 1 of 20