General Science (Chemistry) – Quiz 4 Related Post General Science (Photosynthesis) – Quiz 1 General Science (Energy) – Quiz 1 General Science (Chemistry) – Quiz 3 General Science (Chemistry) – Quiz 2 General Science (Chemistry) – Quiz 1 1. For catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide glycerine may act as: Oxidizing agent Reducing agent Complexing agent Inhibitor 2. For decomposition of hydrogen peroxide Manganese dioxide promotes : Positive catalysis Autocatalysis Negative catalysis Auto esterification 3. For stable molecular geometry of ethylene each carbon atom should be: dsp2 hybridized sp2 hybridized sp3 hybridized sp hybridized 4. For stable molecular geometry each carbon atom of Diamond undergoes : sp hybridization sp2 hybridization sp3 hybridization dsp2 hybridization 5. For stable molecular geometry Each carbon atom of methane should be: dsp2 hybridized sp2 hybridized sp3 hybridized sp hybridized 6. For the formation of water molecule oxygen atom utilizes: Two out of its four sp3hybridized orbital One out of its four sp3hybridized orbital Two out of its five sp3hybridized orbital One out of its two sp3hybridized orbital 7. Formation of carbonium ion is the crucial first step of a: Free radical substitution reaction Unimolecular Nucleophilic substitution reaction Electrophilic substitution reaction Bimolecular Nucleophilic substitution reaction 8. Formation of colored complexes by the transition metal mainly relies upon their: Paired delectrons Unpaired delectrons Free valences Light binding energies 9. Formation of unipositive ion usually takes place by: Reduction reaction Dehydrating reaction Substitution reaction Endothermic reaction 10. From left to right in the modern periodic table ionization potential of Pblock elements tend to: Increase Decrease Remain unchanged Become unpredictable 11. Haemoglobin can be characterized as a: Gliadin Lipoprotein Glutelin Chromoprotein 12. Heat absorbed or evolved by a system will be equal to energy change if the system is operating at constant: Pressure Volume Rate Entropy 13. Hexagonal structure of benzene has: 6? bonds and 6? bonds 1? bonds and 6? bonds 6? bonds and 1? bonds 3? bonds and 3? bonds 14. Hydrolysis of ethyl magnesium bromide will generate: Ethane Ethene Ethanol Ethylene 15. Hydronium ion can be best classified as a/an: Free radical Cation Anion Zwitter ion 16. If absolute temperature of a gas is doubled and pressure is increased four times the volume of gas is: Increased four times Decreased four times Remained unchanged Decreased two times 17. If absolute temperature of a gas is reduced to one half and pressure is doubled the volume of gas is: Increased four times Decreased four times Remained unchanged Reduced to one half 18. If uncertainty in the momentum of an electron is infinite uncertainty in its position will be: 2h/? 2h/2? ? Zero 19. In a reaction medium Presence of hydrogen ion favors the formation of: Mn2+ KMn2+ Cr2O72 Cr2O53 20. In acidic medium oxidation action of potassium permanganate depends upon: Mn2+ KMn2+ MnO2 Mn1+ Loading … Question 1 of 20